National Education Programmes

Senior Student Assistantship (SSA) Transfusion Training Programme

A transfusion education and training programme is provided for all final year medical students in Wales as part of their Senior Student Assistantship (SSA), a summative element to undergraduate medical training to prepare them practice.

The transfusion practitioners across Wales have delivered this programme for over 10 years. The programme has equipped clinical practitioners on critical elements of the transfusion process, including principles of safety in transfusion, understanding and making the decision to transfuse and authorising transfusion, pre-transfusion sample taking, hospital transfusion laboratory practice, and management of transfusion reaction/adverse event.

Further information on SSA can be found here

The SSA 2023 highlight summary report can be found here

Blood Transfusion Training (BTT)

BTT is a suite of elearning courses which have been created to ensure that all healthcare workers can undertake their role in the transfusion process safely.

This is now the national provision for transfusion related elearning in Wales.

All of the BTT courses are accessible on ESR and Learning@Wales. Click here for course information

For further information about the courses, contact your hospital transfusion team.

Independent Authorisation of Blood Component Transfusion (IABT)

The Independent Authorisation of Blood Transfusion (IABT) formerly Non-Medical Authorisation of Blood Transfusion (NABT) is an education programme for non-medical healthcare professionals to independently make the decision to transfuse and complete the authorisation process. 

This programme has been developed to improve patient care and aligns with the principles of patient blood management (PBM) and prudent healthcare. 

Click here for the IABT policy


Blood Transfusion Training Package for Pre-registration Nursing Students (Wales)

The All Wales Transfusion Practitioner Group & the Blood Health Team have worked collaboratively with Universities across Wales to produce a training package to meet the 2018 NMC Future Nurse: Standards of proficiency for registered nurses management and monitoring of blood component transfusions section of Annexe B. To view the packages click links below: