Patient Blood Management (PBM) is an evidence based multidisciplinary approach to optimising the care of patients who might need transfusion. It rests on three pillars: diagnosis and treatment of anaemia (especially iron deficiency anaemia), minimisation of blood loss including measures such as the use of cell salvage and anti-fibrinolytic drugs to reduce bleeding as well as the avoidance of unnecessary transfusions and where appropriate the use of a restrictive transfusion programme. PBM outcomes decrease the risk of adverse events, reduce healthcare costs and support the blood supply. In addition to being a fundamental element of good clinical practice in transfusion, it plays a key role in primary health care. This multi-disciplinary approach involves general practitioners, haematologists, anaesthetists, intensive care specialists, surgeons, and other clinical specialties.
The work of the BHNOG fundamentally supports the principles of both PBM & Prudent Healthcare and has aligned its four key workstreams as well as its work groups to deliver on these.