The Blood Health National Oversight Group (BHNOG) was established in 2017 to oversee the implementation of the Blood Health Plan.
Comprising of representatives from Welsh Government, Welsh Blood Service, Transfusion Representatives from each health board (HB) in Wales, along with Subject Matter Experts (SMEs), the BHNOG provides an oversight role to deliver transfusion practice through a collaborative system leadership approach.
In 2020, revision of the BHNOG Terms of Reference was made to support a ‘Once for Wales’ strategic approach to transfusion practice. Empowering HBs to promote safe and appropriate use of blood through the use of Prudent Healthcare and Patient Blood Management principles.
To align with the objectives of the Blood Health Plan, the BHNOG have identified key priorities set out within workstreams, each of which have clinical leads responsible for overseeing the work of the group.
For more information on the workstreams click on the buttons below: